Doctor, Doctor won’t you please save me first and get me to the front of the line?
The Hopeful Generation
“We could could put seed packets in books and distribute them to school children and families…We could connect with universities… employ environmental groups…gain business sponsorships…”
That is the sound of Fairleigh Dickinson University students brainstorming how to re-forest our planet with one trillion (yes, trillion) more trees.
I know it’s traditional to look at the upcoming generation and fear for the future of our world. But let me assure you there seethes an energy, idealism, and creativity in today’s college students unequaled in many decades. Yesterday, FDU professor Gerard Farias invited me to speak to his “Managing Enterprise and Organizations” class. As part of the course, the students select some social need and create an enterprise aimed at fulfilling that need. These students have begun engineering a venture that will provide computers to computer-less young people so they may attend schools online. I challenged them with trillion-tree project, which is currently being undertaken and by social entrepreneur Roland Schatz (with astounding success.) These students’ enthusiasm and depth of thought, along with their unabashed optimism struck me forcefully. Having sat through many a “creative” session with businessfolks twice their age, I have seldom felt such positive hope. ‘Twould not surprise me to come across some of these individuals in the future as candidates for the Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards. So allow me this simple observation: whatever our generations have done to bring us to our present condition, we need not worry. Hot on our heels is coming a horde of freshly inspired successors dedicated to making things a lot better.
The Perfect Holiday Gift – Black Friday Sale
In the Words of My Wife’s Husband
Your complete sourcebook of business humor
‘Tis the ideal gift for:
– Lifting your staff’s spirits
– Showing appreciation to clients
– Showing your young graduate what they’re lurching into
And putting some much needed joy back into your weary days.
‘Tis the Season for Holiday Cheer
Charities’ Survival Guide in Covid Times
Tosha Anderson, founder of The Charity CFO, lays out for charities & non-profits the mandatory adaptations, where new funding sources lie, how to woo and maintain business sponsorships, and an array of new, vital fiscal tools. Listen in to: Charities’ Survival Guide in Covid Times