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Speaking of Honor…

You should have seen our CEO appealing to the board of directors’ sense of honor.  It was like watching a violinist trying to saw down a tree: he had the right motion, he just was using the wrong tool.

Afterthought.  Alas, greed and fear of greedy shareholders can all too often blanket board members’ vision of pursuing the honorable course.  Thus the wise CEO is one who can lead her team along a profitable path to the most ethical decisions.

5th Annual Delaware River Cleanup

On a sunny Saturday morning of September 17, Bart and Lorraine joined  another 300 muddy, joyful souls along the banks of the Delaware for the 5th Annual Delaware River Cleanup.

Most groups labored by foot, but we joined the canoe crew filling out boats with old chairs and pipes to ancient steering wheels – and a horrendous amount of plastic bottles.  All great fun with a marvelous group of environmentally conscious folks.

Bart’s Vaccine Ballad

Doctor, Doctor won’t you please save me first and get me to the front of the line?

Making Your Adequate Presentations Powerful

Presidential presentation coach Stephanie Scotti critiques host Bart Jackson’s on-air ramblings, proffering fun and great lessons. “I learned so much from this show.”

Isn’t about time people started listening to you?  Time you got the influence you deserve and the reactions you require? Presentation coach to President Carter’s cabinet and major C-suiters, Ms. Stephanie Scotti lays out an incisive, masterful strategy that will have you taking command of the podium and speaking effectively.

For the last 24 years Stephanie’s Professionally Speaking firm has provided individual and team mentoring for individuals facing the often fearful challenge of presenting their ideas in all business situations.  You can catch the Scotti method by reading Stephanie’s recently published Talk on Water – Attaining the Mindset for Powerhouse Presentations– or you may tune in and listen to Coach Scotti dissect the verbal ramblings of host Bart Jackson, as he delivers them right on the air.  If Stephanie can repair this host, there is great hope for you, my friend.        www.theartoftheceo.com