At last, here is your complete sourcebook of business humor. Here’s your chance to dip in, seize a fistful of wry wit, and pass it along to your fellow chaingangers at work. Bart Jackson believes that the greatest wisdom flies in on the wings of laughter, and for the last decade he’s become known as the man who portrays business in the jocular vein. Bart’s Business Quips books have provided professionals with barrelsful of quotable zingers to spice up their workdays and their presentations. As host of The Art of the CEO radio show, Bart has been joyously jesting at the lunacies, piercing the pomposities, and celebrating those clever, inventive folks who make up the business community. This volume culls and combines the very best and funniest of his quips, jovial repartee with radio guests, and those sardonic, final takeaway Parting Shots which Bart always launches with, “In the Words of My Wife’s Husband….” May you read, laugh, share, and grow nearly wise. P.S. Don’t miss Bart’s Curmudgeonopedia with its devilish definitions of business jargon.