“I Beat Stalin, I Beat Hitler, My Story“. Sol’s powerful memoir about how he survived the WWII German and Russian prison camps in Siberia. At the October 8th launch party, Alan graciously thanked Bart and his staff, Christian Kirkpatrick, editor and Dorothy Amsden, art & design, for their help in publishing, and as Shloime Spierer so poignantly put it, “I survived a Siberian work camp; I have two children of whom I love and of whom I am so proud. It has been a grand life.” (Available on Amazon.com at https://www.amazon.com/Beat-Stalin-Hitler-My-Story/dp/1732701202/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539097260&sr=8-1&keywords=i+beat+stalin+i+beat+hitler)
Workplace Harrassment: No Myths – Just Facts
Where does your free speech end and workplace harassment step in? Can my company make humor – and romance – a punishable crime? To answer these dicey legalities and to sweep away the miasma of harassment law misunderstanding, host Bart Jackson brings on the cogent counsel of veteran state and federal employment law attorney, Marc Garbar. Delivering some uncommon sense to this sensitive set of statutes, Marc lays out what does and does not legally qualify as harassment, what preventative initiatives wise employers are establishing, and if there is any redress available to the wrongfully accused. Tune in an learn how you can get instant legal solutions using Marc’s new Harassment App (for real). https://www.theartoftheceo.com/
Life’s Lunacies
Thought I’d share with you all three all-too-real follies I’ve witnessed lately displaying the length we humans will go to impress one another:
– The sedentary administrator who gives her Fit Bit to her son working on the floor of a large warehouse, so she can impress her coworkers with her 25,000 steps a day, after he returns it to her.
– The young brokerage firm trader who brings his family finances to work and labors on them after hours in his office so he can appear to be always staying and working late.
– The CPA who photoshopped her face over that of a skier who was plunging down Winter Park’s toughest black diamond slope. She then hung this action shot casually in her office – ironically, beneath her framed diploma.
Ah, vanity.
– Bart
Guatamala Visit to CETNA School
Hope happiness and song rise from the students of the CETNA School, Parramos Guatemala. Lorraine and I joined our Nassau Presbyterian Church mission team to visit the school to which we’ve been contributing – where students and faculty exuberantly welcomed us with a parade of home made flags and dances. While outside these walls lies a reality of harsh relentless labor and subsistence economics, within springs an oasis of joy and aspiration. We painted the building & repaired with the parents; worked and played with the students, while our three doctors set up a clinic. The takeaway: delight in each day and happiness of spirit do not require a land of plenty.
Antigua Guatemala. Mauela planted, grew, and picked the cotton, spun it into theads, grew and harvested the herbal dyes, colored each of the bright strands you see, then on her backstrap loom she weaves a magnificent and highly artistic cloth. Imagine the pride. Her products are sold at the local women’s cooperative which we visited on our Nassau Church mission trip to the CETNA school with whom we partner. Are our own lives to
Lorraine’s camera takes a bead on a shy parrot in the forest surrounding the Fuego Volcano, while Bart runs off to swim in the nearby lake.
Our Food: How We Feed Ourselves and Our Planet
America’s top food expert Brian Todd reveals how the global food supply chain works now – what it costs – and what we’ll be dining on in the future – hopefully.
By popular demand, fresh from last week’s episode, Host Bart Jackson brings back America’s greatest food expert – Mr. Brian Todd, President of the Food Institute. This show, Brian looks beyond America’s current food obsession and focuses his nearly four decades of research and insight on the industry that brings it to our table. How does the cross-global supply chain transform once-seasonal delicacies into year-round staples? Are we capable of feeding our 7.6 billion population now?