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God Bless us – Every One

I am walking around with Christmas carols running around in my head – and it’s all your fault. You, my friends, have put them there.  Food grows short.  So my wife’s church group founds a fund with $500 – doles out several thousand dollars to food providers – and still has $800 left.  This loaves & fishes tale comes courtesy of your generosity.  Telephone calls come in from business folks wanting nothing more than to wish me well and chat about how I am doing.  My agent asks, “What are these Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards winners of yours doing that’s so great?”  I blurt, “because of them, gun violence in Yonkers drops 86 percent, warring factions forge a prosperous peace in Mozambique, and our planet gets reforested with a trillion (yes, trillion) trees planted by homeless people who are gaining income and purpose….and a lot more – would you like me to elaborate?”

Getting the message here?  I certainly am.  Peace on earth and good will towards all is not only being wished for – it is actively being engineered all around us.  It is a precious and vital ingredient in our humanity that we pour all we believe to be good – all we desperately want to occur – into one cradle filled with newborn hope.  But we are a restless species.  We do not – cannot – sit and passively wish for the star to rise.  We roll up our sleeves and hoist it aloft.  And so many of us are making darn sure that light will shine before all people, that by Heaven’s name, we can see the glow pass from one heart to another.

Now there’s another miracle.  It’s contagious.  All that compassionate energy and sweat somehow has gone viral – and races through us.  We see one individual shouldering some burden to help his fellow, and some instinctive seed within urges us to shoulder in and lend our aid.  I may not really understand that seed, but I’ve got a pretty good idea of who planted it.  And for that, I give thanks this Christmas to the Good Lord, who smiles (and doubtless laughs) on us – and my utmost gratitude to all of you whom I see constantly, daily reflecting His light.  So rest ye merry and have a joyous Noel….ooops! There come those carols again.

Blessings to you all,

Bart Jackson









What the pros are saying about In the Words of My Wife’s Husband:

Bart is the purveyor of some pretty damn clever comedy stylings…you’ll have a much funnier opening for your formerly droll speech by using this incredibly light-hearted, joke packed volume.

– Comedian Eddie Brill

Wisdom disguised with humor…Bart uniquely elucidates another dimension of truth…read it in small chunks and savor each chapter like your favorite wine!

– Dr. George Watts, business psychologist Chairman, TLT Coaching  

Every speaker planning to make a presentation should have a copy of this book at his side because it will add value to the value of his talk.

– Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“Humor focusing on serious has, over the centuries, helped mankind retain some level of mental health. In this book, I believe Bart Jackson has cheerfully pushed this concept forward relative to our adventures of business today. …I recommend you read it and get copies for several of your business colleagues with whom you can then chuckle about your own shared business war-stories.”

– Val Mathews, Solutions Architect for IBM

Charities’ Survival Guide in Covid Times

Tosha Anderson, founder of The Charity CFO, lays out for charities & non-profits the mandatory adaptations, where new funding sources lie, how to woo and maintain business sponsorships, and an array of new, vital fiscal tools. Listen in to:  Charities’ Survival Guide in Covid Times https://theartoftheceo.com/


Amazon’s Hot New Release – In The Words of My Wife’s Husband

At last, here is your complete sourcebook of business humor.  Here’s your chance to dip in, seize a fistful of wry wit, and pass it along to your fellow chaingangers at work.  Bart Jackson believes that the greatest wisdom flies in on the wings of laughter, and for the last decade he’s become known as the man who portrays business in the jocular vein.   Bart’s Business Quips books have provided professionals with barrelsful of quotable zingers to spice up their workdays and their presentations.   As host of The Art of the CEO radio show, Bart has been joyously jesting at the lunacies, piercing the pomposities, and celebrating those clever, inventive folks who make up the business community.  This volume culls and combines the very best and funniest of his quips, jovial repartee with radio guests, and those sardonic, final takeaway Parting Shots which Bart always launches with, “In the Words of My Wife’s Husband….”  May you read, laugh, share, and grow nearly wise. P.S. Don’t miss Bart’s Curmudgeonopedia with its devilish definitions of business jargon.
