TV Host Dr. Dale Caldwell sharpens up his sense of humor to prepare for his latest episode of Entrepreneur State of Mind.
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TV Host Dr. Dale Caldwell sharpens up his sense of humor to prepare for his latest episode of Entrepreneur State of Mind.
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All Aboard – My elevator pitch is brilliantly clever. Trouble is, unless the elevator runs from Baltimore to Bangor, I can never finish it.
Biz Quiz: If an entrepreneur is shipped to a desert island and told she can take only one book – which will she choose?
Answer: How to Build a Canoe.
The Worth of Wealth – The more money you make, the more people are inclined to believe you deserve it.
Afterthought: No one quite believes that their own salary aptly reflects their own personal wroth, but that doesn’t stop us from slathering envious admiration on those pulling down a lot more bucks than ourselves.
Yes, a brand new year of Hope is bursting upon us. And as we hoist our glasses in search of optimism, I propose we may discover our expectations in that stack of holiday life-sharing letters which our friends and relatives take time to send.
Christmas letters tend to be a remarkably accurate bellwether of what folks thought of the last year – or at least what feel they should think about the past year. And so many of them (our own excluded) kick off with the expected litany of horrors…yes we do have a dire plague haunting the planet; yes, our nation has one major political party so desperate to keep “the other side” from looking good, that they are disparaging all vaccines, precautions, and remedies. Yes, climate change is wreaking havoc…it all gets painfully listed. But then, when global social concerns are duly met, the letters get down and personal: We took 93-year-old Aunt Jenny on a birthday balloon ride…Christopher hit Dean’s List and is taking his junior year abroad…Ann’s homeless shelter charity just raised $1.2 million…Linda and John got married…Martha and John, now 83, are joyfully celebrating their first anniversary…(all actual quotes from our card pile.)
In short, despite all the distant clouds of hovering gloom, our lives are still riding on, often quite merrily. Individually, we are making our marks, caring for others, improving ourselves, and delving into new accomplishments. Interestingly, in this period of personal resiliency, of all our books, CEO of Yourself has experienced the greatest interest. So this New Year’s Countdown – as the ball falls while the bubbly and our hopes rise, perhaps we might resolve to focus on ourselves, our hearts, and our own eagerly creative hands. After all, nothing pierces outer darkness like inner light.
Wishing You Every Success and a Joyful 2022,
– Bart Jackson
Bart Jackson’s second edition of CEO of Yourself – Getting Down to the Business of Your More Rewarding Life has hit the top of Amazon’s Best Seller in three categories as well as being listed in the top 50 in other Self-Help and Business categories. Tonight, Nov 12, Bart will be hosting a virtual book launch featuring a gathering of notable guests sharing their insights on this work and aspects of self-mastery…with many participating in a joyful roast of the author.
CEO of Yourself is available in hard copy and digital forms on Amazon.
All those proven elements – Character, Principles, Endurance, and Unbridled Enthusiasm – help you roll up your sleeves, blow away today’s fog of devices and distraction, and set the Enterprise of You on an honest & joyful path.