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The Power of the Youthful Pen – Princeton Writing Academy Grand Writing Contest

The Power of the Youthful Pen – Princeton Writing Academy Grand Writing Contest

Yes, this Younger Generation will amaze you.  On Thursday, Bart had the privilege to announce the winners of the Princeton Writing Academy’s Grand Writing Contest, sponsored by Prometheus Publishing.   Academy Director Janine Edwards and her instructors have taught their students remarkably well. Before an audience at the Princeton Community Television Station, 5 and 6th grader semi-finalists read their own notably insightful, finely crafted tales.  These authors addressed homelessness, struggling under the competitive spotlight, fickle popularity, and an imaginative depiction of a young Chinese girl’s experience of encountering Chairman Mao Zedong.  Meanwhile, the 7-8th grade authors read impressively thoughtful offerings as an allegory of destructive greed, inventively mystical self-discovery, and a probing story about facing the final moments of our world.

Janine had given me the honor of acting as judge for the finalists.  As I read through their stories, I couldn’t help but be struck by the honesty and perceptive scrutiny of these young authors.  Then I looked at what I was writing when I was their age, and all I can say is that we have no cause to despair of today’s youth.  A new generation of idealists is blooming.

History Greets Hope

At Trenton’s Foundation Collegiate Academy, on the 100th day of classes this year, Bart joined the 100 professional men in the hallways before the morning bell to greet and talk with the students as they entered for another day of building lives of consequence.  Greg Weiss, CEO of the Collegiate Academy, had invited men with a broad array of careers to serve as role models, but frankly, it was we older “role models” who came away impressed – and learned more.  Gathering in a classroom, we listened to three students explain their class project. They had selected three important issues facing Trenton’s young people:  Gun violence, Abusive Bias towards racial, and transgender groups, and Police Brutality.  They then addressed these issues by inviting students and others to create an expressive piece of art.  The overwhelming participation of students and the open frankness of their creations startlingly opened our eyes.

Equally powerful and eye-opening were the encouraging support I discovered among my fellow early-morning greeters.  We witnessed Bruce Boyd founder “Reclaiming Our Boys” give a brief taste of how he unleashes boys’ positive energies, and instills discipline and a love of reading.  (Bruce’s idea of self-discovery is challenging, “All right, I want the smartest boy in the room to step forward beside me.” His idea of a history lesson is to take a group of black youths to Selma.)  To learn more about Foundation Collegiate Academy visit www.foundationacademies.org.  Learn more Reclaiming Our Boys (R.O.B) on Facebook.


One Master – One Slave

One Master – One Slave

Every phone should own a human.  They are excellent beasts of mobility, plus they can be trained to keep you charged, maintained, and broaden your horizons with an endless array of apps.

Afterthought:  As phones grow in size, doesn’t it appear that the people addictively clinging to them seem to grow a little smaller – and less interesting?

Weekly Quote

Do you know who said:

          “Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of  effortless money.”

Hint: This fourth wealthiest person on the planet made his fortune through investment rather than inheritance.

(See next week’s Quips Newsletter for the answer.)

Author of last week’s Quote:  George Washington

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Sure as death and tax evasion, you will die with your “To Do” list unfinished.

Afterthought: If you are working like hell and you look at your “To Do” list and find you are falling further behind each day – You have only one choice – Tear up that damn To Do list.  (And while you’re at it: hoist a brandy, kiss your lover, and conspire a new life beside a roaring fire.)

Weekly Quote

Do you know who said:

“Few man have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder.”

Hint: This Virginia planter was the tallest general in the American Revolution. (George Washington)


Teetering on the Top

Teetering on the Top

Today’s Quip:  The gentleman on top, who disdains and belittles those laboring under him to create his wealth, is like the arborist who takes a saw to his own ladder.

Afterthought: My congratulations on your rise to the top, my friend.  Just remember that fickle Fate played a greater role than you probably realize in lifting you temporarily up.  And appreciation to those folks who sustain your lofty position is the wisest attitude.