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Negotiating Hardcore: Bullies, Bluffs & Paper Tigers

listen in at: https://www.theartoftheceo.com/

The Master Negotiator Greg Williams examines the POTUS-Congress-Party Leaders recent debates and reveals tactics you need to learn.

So who is winning the “negotiations” between the U.S. President – Congress – and the party leaders?  Who committed the masterful blunders and who employed that subtly clever tactic which you need to be copying in your own business negotiations?  Host Bart Jackson brings on The Master Negotiator Greg Williams to tease apart the political chess games employed by America’s leaders, to tell you what worked, why it worked, and what moves we might expect in the future. Globally renowned negotiator and body language guru Greg Williams is sought after to both instruct C-suite executives and to handle Fortune 100 corporate mergers.  Tune in and get the expert’s take on the art of these political deals.

Divorce Dynasty – Building a One-stop Client Shop with Attorney Karolina Dehnhard and Bart Jackson.

Attorney Karolina Dehnhard transforms grows her legal counsel into a complete service system for divorcing clients.  Copy this model.

Marriage is a legal, emotional, occupational, religious, financial, child-rearing, home-owning, sexual, and union.  And when that union falls apart, the divorcing woman requires help in all those areas.  After her own divorce, attorney Karolina Dehnhard realized that her family law practice, offering only legal counsel was simply inadequate.  Host Bart Jackson brings Karolina on board to discuss how she has developed her Divorce Dynasty that advises and aids all the clients areas of concern.  Tune in and take this example of customer-based growth to heart. You too may transform and raise your business from green grocer to full-service supermarket.

               Listen in at https://www.theartoftheceo.com/


Conducting the Orchestra – CEOs Learn from the Maestro

Listen in at:   https://www.theartoftheceo.com/   

Maestro Roger Nierenberg knows the techniques, actions, and attitudes demanded to lift an orchestra – and each musician – to peak performance. They are the exact same leadership moves required by business executives to inspire their teams to the top.  Host Bart Jackson discusses The Music Paradigm, Nierenberg’s inventive program in which C-suiters are mingled amongst the musicians at an actual rehearsal led by this Maestro, and biz folks observe leadership demonstrated in a tempo accelerando.  The Paradigm holds up a stunning, if not always comfortable mirror to business leaders.  And the top exec teams from YouTube, Bank of America, Kellogg, and BBC are praising and paying Nierenberg for the valuable enlightenment.  Tune in and learn how artfully directed music makes Caesars of the savage biz execs.

Bart Jackson Speaks – Feb 15th Getting a Grip on Your Career – Wiser Choices

When: Friday, Feb. 15 – 9:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.                                                                                                       

Where: The Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon St., Princeton NJ 08542

In truth, most folks hit what they aim at.  How do you lift your head out of that narrow rut that defines your career as a series of jobs and list of skills? What practical tactics will rip off the blinders, reveal opportunities, and set your precious energies on the road to fulfillment – and fun?  With great good humor, we will look at the examples of some amazing individuals, showing how their career choices (good & blunderful) made all the difference.  Then, we’ll attack your individual needs, and lay out some solid some solid strategies.  No slides – no PowerPoint – bring notebook.

To learn more about the Princeton Public Library visit:  https://www.psgofmercercounty.org/

Bart Jackson bio:

Bart Jackson serves as CEO of Prometheus Publishing & BartsBooks Ultimate Business Guides, and hosts The Art of the CEO radio show. He is the founder of Biz4NJ online business journal, The Accomplished Professionals Breakfast in Manhattan, and the International Prometheus Awards.  His books include CEO of Yourself, The Art of the CEO, Behind Every Successful Woman Is Herself, and So That’s How they Do it – Tactics of Business Masters.  Bart spent the previous decades as a globe-trotting journalist, carting his pen and curiosity through over 80 countries, drumming up about 150 new writing jobs every year. Bart’s most prized writings are the poems penned to his wife Lorraine, which are published on the north wall of his home in Cranbury, NJ.