Aaron Edelheit proves how fanatical workaholism destroys – and how a weekly hard break increases productivity and joy. You need this show. Listen in: https://www.theartoftheceo.com/
My Pride is Showing
Americans are not a resigned people. We have never gone sheepishly into that dark pit of oppression – be it monarchy, corptocracy, or any other thug. Those brave individuals who took that dangerous step of cutting ties with the empire of England, were, I believe, very much like the best of us today.
On July 4th, as they set pen to Thomas Jefferson’s masterful declaration of Independence, each one was painfully aware of his signature’s significance. Yes, they were proclaiming their beliefs in their compatriots in this land – and the people of all lands. Yet they also realized the personal sacrifice involved. This paper proclaimed their willingness to immerse themselves in an undeniable declaration of war. Their families, their lands, their holdings would all come under attack, and life as they knew it would never be the same. And they signed it boldly all the same. And the war did come. It was a war that marked this people’s – this new nation’s – zero tolerance of oppression. It demonstrated to a weary world their instant willingness to gather and kick back against those who would trample their freedoms for the benefit of English merchant princes.
This day, as in every age, oppressors rise up among us. There seems to be never any shortage of conniving people who place personal enrichment over the common good. And once more, my fellows in this America take aim at the oppressors and fight the injustices as they see them arise. So on this July 4, 2018, I am grateful to be an American, grateful for the freedoms that were won for me by our nation’s founders, and ever after.
But much more, I cannot but help feel a powerful surge of pride to be part of those Americans of today who, as we speak, are continuing to set their pens to Mr. Jefferson’s Declaration. No, not all Americans join this fight. Even during the American Revolution, nearly two thirds of colonials remained loyal to the British monarch.
Yet by the millions Americans continue to set their muscle, time and resources in the fight to sustain a just society. Their methods and causes are numerous. You can find them everywhere. Our zero tolerance for oppressors continues. And that, my compatriots, makes my heart soar with hope on this Independence Day.
– Bart Jackson
CEO’s and Professionals Gather in NYC
A phenomenal intimate gathering of CEOs and professionals at White & Williams law firm, NYC for breakfast in Manhattan. Bart Jackson, Sharon Mahn and Randy Friedberg– thank you for helping bring together your powerhouse contacts and a great group of high caliber individuals today- plus it was just a lot of fun!
Lights – Camera – Giving Your Best Interview
Lights – Camera – Giving Your Best Interview
Veteran journalist & host Bart Jackson shares techniques on making your media interview a profitable career/business boost.
Listen in at: https://www.theartoftheceo.com/
July 12th – Join us for a Fundraising Business Networking Day in the Country!
Struggling with networking, social media, to find the right connections for your business? Introducing The Art of Bating….business dating. That’s right, business dating. It is not about the number of people you meet in business, it is about meeting the right people for your business. Just like personal dating, professional dating has distinct do’s and dont’s for making successful, long term business connections. Learn how to be a strategic networker and ultimately a first class business dater!
Join us at “Marriah” for a day filled with opportunities to expand your business connections!
2:00 pm Event Opens
2:15 pm Welcome, Light Fare & Refreshments
2:30 pm Diane Simovich to present on Domestic Violence & BW Nice
2:45 pm Bating Introduction and Interactive Business Dating Exercises by Carol Gabel
3:15 pm Sweet Business Spotlight Feature on Janet Maddalena of Maddalena’s Cheesecake & Catering
3:20 pm Desserts presented by Maddalena’s Cheesecake & Catering, Wine, “Marriah Martini’s” & Refreshments
3:30 pm Bating Exercise Results & Summary by Carol Gabel
4:15 pm Break
4:30 pm Anne Thornton Presents on Her Book: “Professional Tips to Maintain Your Home”
5:00 pm Open Business Dating Networking
6:00 pm Event Closes
All attendees will receive a free book by Anne Thornton, “Anne Thornton’s Insider Guide to Home Improvement, Professional Tips to Maintain Your Home” . Those that donate to the Fundraiser will also receive a free copy of “Toward The Light” by Diane Simovich and BW Nice.
There is no charge for registration, but a suggested donation of $ 50.00 to benefit our charity of choice “BW Nice” is appreciated. Consider sponsoring the nonprofit of your choice by donating tickets for their team to attend! Much will be learned and enjoyed!
To Register: