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Bart Offers Travel Tips to Teen Explorers -Teens Host Entertaining, Eclectic Talk Show “Cue the Lights” on Local TV

Recently hosts of Princeton TV’s Cue the Lights show Misha Meyer and Rachel Bierman brought Bart Jackson on their interview talk show to discuss travel tips for the independent journalist and explorer who is traveling abroad.  These high-school age interviewers ladies are proof that top media talent lies waiting in the wings.  Below is a sample of the article written right after the show  by Donald Gilpin for the Town Topics, as he talked with the hosts and Bart:

Teens Host Entertaining, Eclectic Talk Show “Cue the Lights” on Local TV 

Director’s Choice Award – South Brunswick Library


June 2 – NJ Senator Chris Bateman thanks Bart for his continued volunteer services and donations to the South Brunswick Public Library. Bart’s wife Lorraine ably directed the library and saw it through three major expansions throughout her career. Later, at the Library’s celebratory Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, Bart presented the Director’s Choice Award to that employee whom Library Director Chris Carbone judges to have contributed the most to the Library over the past year. The award, which Bart and Lorraine Jackson founded and sponsor, provides the winner and her/his best beloved a getaway weekend to the paradisal spot of their choosing – all expenses paid. Proof that hard work and dedication pay off.

Tired of Politics?

Don’t Vote – That’ll Show ‘em

When Thomas Jefferson said, “I fear the citizens of this land have no idea of the power they possess,” he might well have been targeting the lackadaisical citizenry of the Garden State. Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6, the people of New Jersey are called to the polls to vote in the primary for their governor. A turnout of between nine and 14 percent of the eligible voters is expected.

New Jerseyans, like most Americans, appear tired, and very, very sick of politics as it is being handled by the current crop of politicians. New Jersey’s waning Governor holds a historically low approval rating, scraping the single digits. Nationally, more than two-thirds of the nation disapprove of the President’s job, while Congress labors diligently to prove itself bought, paid for, and unaffected by the public will.

So is this the time for the American voter to rollover and play dead?
If you would like to absolutely guarantee more of the kind of politicized governance we now are experiencing – stay home tomorrow. Send a message to those in power that you truly do not give a damn what they do. Show them that you are, as one party refers to the public, just “Joe Six-pack,” and you prefer to be led by whichever sloganeer grabs your nose ring. Get bored and you will truly achieve the kind of government you deserve.

New Jersey has four major and several smaller party candidates running for Governor. All of them have labored hard to inform you what they believe, and to win your vote. One of them even has invested $16 million of his personal funds to tell the public his plans for governing the state. Each candidate is worthy of your consideration.

We stand on the verge of getting the government we desire. So I beg you remember Mr. Jefferson’s words: Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people are its only safe depositories.

Wishing You Every Success,
– Bart Jackson

The Greatest Tribute…..

we can give yesterday’s soldiers is to strive to make today’s soldiers civilians.

What has made this nation great is not that men and women died for it, but that they have been willing to die for it.  Throughout our history, dedicated individuals have unreluctantly sacrificed that first and last full measure of devotion to serve, labor, and fight for what they saw as good in America.  Each of these clung to some vision of liberty, freedom, a way of life that he or she deemed worth defending.  Their heroism lies not in their blood, but in their personal belief and their sacred commitment to it.

It is truly certain that not one soldier went down into his grave hoping that his son and granddaughter would have “honor” of shouldering a weapon and following his own path of sacrifice.

As a caveat to this consecrated day of memorial, let us take care that we in no way honor war.  War does not bring forth heroes.  War is a tragic slaughter, always to be despised, always, whenever possible, to be avoided.  Nor is it, as legions of non-combatants vaingloriously insist, “necessary.”  The briefest perusal of history shows that the terrifying majority of wars issue from the edicts of those covetously lusting after the wealth and power of others.  The only thing that trickles down from the fingers of these war-launchers is blood.

So if you would like to like to lay a wreath on the tomb of some dedicated individual who died for this nation, let it be the green, living wreath of your own sustained devotion to the cause of peace. ‘Tis a battle that will demand your utmost courage and no little sacrifice, but it is one that those heroes who gave their lives in the past would have definitely cherished.

– Bart Jackson