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Bart Jackson reveals: The Unsettling Settling of Australia

or  History & Pre-history Revealed

What was the real reason that the British government rounded up its prisoners and poor and transported them 14,000 miles to Australia in the dawn of the nineteenth century?  What are the tribal skills and DNA that have allowed Australian Aborigines for 60,000 years to thrive as the world’s longest continuous culture?  What advantages has made the crocodile Australia’s unrivaled predator since Cretaceous times? Speaking before the English Speakers Union on March 31st at the Lawrenceville School, Bart Jackson laid bare the intriguing truths about the Australia’s inhabitants and how they arrived and flourished in the island continent.

The World’s Longest Race & Toughest Security Challenge

Belt & Road Relay Race: thousands of athletes, running across 63 countries 90 days…Stephen Ward tells how he provides security for it all.  Here’s how it’s done.

One of the most global and most aggressively expanding banking institutions worldwide has just launched its 90-day Belt and Road Relay Race involving thousands of runners through 63 nations, 44 separate markets in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. And Stephen Ward, Managing Director of Insite Risk Management has undertaken the ludicrously difficult task of providing security for each runner, press person, spectator and official involved.  Host Bart Jackson invites Stephen to share the stories of how this planet-spanning race is being run and how he is handling this logistical Everest of setting up a secure environment for it all.  ‘Tis an amazing tale which will help you comprehend the expansion and intricacy of today’s global commerce.   www.theartoftheceo.com

Cyber Threats & Defenses

“China is a company masquerading as a country,” stated Alfred Berkeley former NASDAQ CEO and Board Chair of Security First.  Recently, I attended the Nassau Club meeting in Princeton, NJ where Al and three FBI security specialists outlined potential cyber-threats and cyber warfare tactics, including China’s clear plans to dominate several global industries, by any means available.  Chatting with Al and the FBI agents afterward I picked up two fascinating news bits: Good news –  we now have chips large enough to automatically encrypt data (e.g. stock transactions) as they occur, thus protecting data immediately.  Unsettling news: China subsidizes its manufacturers with a 17 percent rebate on each deal. Thus Chinese makers can bid and produce at a 10 percent loss and still turn a profit.


Challenging C-suiters to Summit New & Loftier Peaks – Literally


Expedition leader Julie Lewis guides biz folks up to Himalayan Mounts across vast polar snows, into inner strengths, greater resiliency, and exhilarating adventures.

What can climbing a Himalayan mountain teach you about yourself?  What can exploring the vast polar snows or remote jungles teach you about leading your business team?  Worldwide adventurer and expedition organizer, Ms. Julie Lewis takes leaders of self and corporations to those wild lands where exhilaration and self-discovery go hand in hand.  Founder of MountainHighMe, Julie joins host Bart Jackson to discuss their own treks from Tibet to Tierra del Fuego, and exactly what new resources people learn to draw upon when they rise from the swivel chair and venture into the unknown corners of God’s Eden.  As an added bonus, Julie, a certified resilience specialist will offer listeners the opportunity of testing, measuring, and growing their own personal resiliency. Want the ultimate business or personal retreat?

NACD Meeting

The drone that soars just outside is piloted by a flick of Bart’s wrist (see the “guidance sleeve).  Today, as guest of Bill Kraut, I joined the National Association of Corporate Directors NJ chapter meeting at Nokia Bell Labs where we got a tantalizing forecast for the future of A.I. from the from a panel of the top innovators in the field.  All this followed by an even more fun (if unsettling) trip into the future lab for a sweet taste of drones and robots and all the toys that are already reshaping our lives…. best line of the evening:  No matter what we create, there is a vast inseparable difference between intelligence and unique, raw human thinking. – JT Kostman