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Winepreneurs, Legendary Winery Tours & Savoring Liquid Assets

American Wine Society Director Dr. Gary Pavlis explains why U.S. wines have exploded in quality & popularity, plus the delicate, delightful art of launching a winery.

Both the enjoyment and business of wine have exploded across the U.S.  Every state in the Union boasts several wineries and for most, it is their fastest expanding form of agriculture.  America’s consumption and its appreciative sophistication continue to hit all time highs.  Host Bart Jackson sits and sips with American Wine Society director Dr. Gary Pavlis as they discuss the reasons and the trends behind this industry’s growth.  Taking us out into the vineyard, Gary explains how the finest vintages are crafted in the field, what distinguishes a winery of renown, what high tech implements are boosting yields, bettering blends, and saving arduous labor.  Stepping up to the tasting table, Gary lays out ways to more enjoyably savor and broaden your wine horizons.  And for the would-be winepreneur, here is your opportunity to learn the optimum plan, pitfalls, and potential profits of winery launching.  Tune in and see if a wine tour of Tuscany is the vacation you truly deserve.                                                                               https://www.theartoftheceo.com/

Wattsamatter with Gen Z’s Today?


Educational Changemaker Mark Perna offers revolutionary avenues for Gens Z & Y seeking to find careers and make their way securely in business.

How do you think generations Y and Z should be educated and trained for entry into business? Host Bart Jackson invites educational changemaker Mark Perna who offers revolutionary ideas on how we should train our children – the purpose of colleges – and how better to fill business’s skills gap.  What makes this episode such fun is that, while both Mark and Bart have a passionate concern for younger generations, they differ immensely on educational principles, strategies, and even goals.  So tune in and watch them debate as the chalkdust flies. Mark, founding CEO of TFS Results (tools for schools) and author of Answering Why: Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in Younger Generations holds a more skills/career solution, while Bart, author of CEO of Yourselfand The Art of the CEO, concentrates on mind development and personal fulfillment.  Here’s you chance to find some fodder to help you forge your own beliefs.

Tough Business Calls – How Would YOU Decide?

Host Bart Jackson challenges your business acumen with a series true events involving make-or-break decisions – then reveals what each leader decided – and the results.

When your career and/or company are pressed back to the wall, how brightly does your decision-making ability shine?  Host Bart Jackson gives you a chance to find out.  In this episode Bart lays before you a series of all-too-real business decisions, along with several considerations to take into account. Then he reveals the choice each business leader made, and the results that followed – for better or ill. Tune in and test your powers in ethical, financial, personal encounters – and even learn if you have the wisdom and backbone to match that of Mark Twain and a few modern luminaries. Great fun – great lessons.  www.theartoftheceo.com 

Mythic Heroes for Today’s Business World.

Author Ayn Cates Sullivan and host Bart Jackson delve into the myths and heroes of eld to reveal practical solutions for today’s business folks.

Which is your better bet? Drawing your inspiration and role models from today’s latest, fleeting tweet – or from a mythic heroine/hero whose tales reach across the millennia and still fill millions with wisdom?  Get set for some fun.  Host Bart Jackson joins award-winning author Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan, who has penned “Legends of the Grail – Stories of Celtic Goddesses” and “Heroines of Avalon,” to discover the truths which we still quest after today.  Together, they examine specific business challenges and journey back to into the enchanting myths of eld to find solutions.  Sharing the deep well of Celtic heroines and divinities, Ayn proffers guidance for businesswomen, while Bart, attempting some gender balance, turns to the lore of the ancient Greeks and their heroes for answers.  What wisdom lies in the souls and stories.  https://www.theartoftheceo.com/episodes/mythic-heroes-for-todays-business-world/

What You Don’t Know About IT & Who Can Fix That

Isn’t it about time that technology started serving you better? Wouldn’t you like some understanding mentor who sorts through the avalanche of Apps and set to work those tools that boost production and profit?  Host Bart Jackson brings you exactly that kind of IT master in his guest Darek Hahn, President & CEO of VelocIT.  Taking a general contractor’s approach to an organization’s IT needs, Darek offers for your selection more effective technologies to help sales, operations management, accounting, marketing and communication. He also details a blend of hiring and contracting methods to make sure you have the best possible IT wizards working on your goals, at the ready, when you require them.  Tune in and learn how to make yourself master of your technologies.

Info-Tech master Darek Hahn guides you into finding better advisors and better ways to employ the technology tools at your disposal.  About time isn’t it?
