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Keep these titles by your bedside to prep your mind for the workday.


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In The Words of My Wifes Husband CEO of Yourself CEO of Yourself, Second Edition The Art of the CEO
102 Best Business Quips Behind Every Successful Woman is Herself So That's How They Do It! 101 Best Business Quips
Garden State Wineries Guide

In The Words of My Wifes Husband CEO of Yourself
CEO of Yourself, Second Edition The Art of the CEO
102 Best Business Quips Behind Every Successful Woman is Herself
So That's How They Do It! 101 Best Business Quips
Garden State Wineries Guide

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CEO Of Yourself – “Getting down to the business of your more rewarding life.


The Art of the CEO “This is one of the best business leadership books I have read in my career…I could not put it down..full of wisdom..what are you waiting for?” Darrell Gunter, CEO Gunter Media Group.

Behind Every Successful Woman is Herself, by Bart Jackson And speaking of women effectively engineering their own career fulfillment…

So That’s How They Do It is one of my favorite book projects primarily because of the readership. We deliberately designed this book for those business folks we at BartsBooks term The Engergized Elite. You know who you are. You’re that individual who seeks a fulfilling and satisfying career enough to not only hear about some good idea, but to rise up from your swivel chair, seize that better tool, and apply it to your own job or business.