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The Best In Business – Our 300th Anniversary Show


Host Bart Jackson celebrates The Art of the CEO’s 300th episode anniversary with a jovial recounting of his guests’ cleverest, and most memorable moments.

Welcome to the Art of the CEO’s 300th Anniversary show. Would you like to hear the wisdom of a seventh-generation oyster fisherman – how the archeologist of the world’s most successful pirate’s sunken ship is amassing another fortune – how to emulate the entrepreneur who exploded with a thousand sales in one day – before he even had a product – the funniest repartee ever made by an IP attorney?   Host Bart Jackson has culled the most hilarious and helpful moments, along with wisest counsel from the hundreds of guests gracing our studios.  This tri-centennial episode distills the essence of our best, and fondly recalls the fun.  Tune in and learn from the nation’s top negotiator how President Donald Trump reveals his fears by inadvertent bits of body language.