Goldfinches and flocks of grimacing, t-shirted cyclists return to The Garden State. Daffodils grace lawns and tables. Green, smiles, and more sunshine joyously invade our routine. ‘Tis Spring time and Easter Celebrations rise bumptiously before us.
On April 16 (The Sunday that in 2017 follows the first full moon after the March 21 Equinox), Christians will dress up their bodies and spirits and celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ, and His conquering Death to bring life and love to all humankind. Songs of joy will fill churches and get carried out into the street in folks’ hearts. Wow! Even if you are unfamiliar with any Christian theology, something just tells you that you really would like a piece of that. Rebirth – New Hope – Inspire (breathe in) some glorious and brand new lease on life.
Over the past four decades, business has gotten increasingly global and increasing competitive. Workers and executives alike seek any advantage to make themselves a little sharper, more able, and more on the ball. The paunchy old business person is being hip-checked aside by the young, gleaming-eyed guy who spends hours in the gym and hires a personal nutritionist. And for the past decade another personal advantage has dawned and gained a slow, grudging acceptance in the workplaces of the world: Spirituality. It is an appropriately sanitized term for the belief that some greater force dwelling outside and within us is present. Business pundits now nod, “Yeah, there really is something to this power of personal faith.”
As it has for a score of centuries, the particulars of the Easter story and its rituals of celebration will come under the ceaseless scrutiny and debate. But for those many folks who may currently be orbiting the fringes of the spiritual sphere, wondering if there lies any benefit, allow me to proffer one brief consideration. Man may be, as Protagoras claimed, the measure of all things. But he is not the answer to all things.
Any honest person readily realizes that she or he just doesn’t possess the power, all the time, to handle all the hardballs thrown at them by the whimsical hands of Fate. Certainly would be a comfort to feel that it’s not just me fighting my way alone out there. No, no. You’re not admitting defeat; it’s just that now you would welcome some backup reserves – some additional power to face this day’s doings. Perhaps there lies within some divinely planted seed that, with a little help, may be brought to fruition. And perhaps, you could really use a little assistance with the cultivation of what’s been within and without all along. And perhaps calling on such assistance might help you rise to a bit of rebirth. You know, like you see in the faces of those folks celebrating Easter. Just a thought.
Wishing you every success,
– Bart Jackson