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What You Don’t Know About IT & Who Can Fix That

Isn’t it about time that technology started serving you better? Wouldn’t you like some understanding mentor who sorts through the avalanche of Apps and set to work those tools that boost production and profit?  Host Bart Jackson brings you exactly that kind of IT master in his guest Darek Hahn, President & CEO of VelocIT.  Taking a general contractor’s approach to an organization’s IT needs, Darek offers for your selection more effective technologies to help sales, operations management, accounting, marketing and communication. He also details a blend of hiring and contracting methods to make sure you have the best possible IT wizards working on your goals, at the ready, when you require them.  Tune in and learn how to make yourself master of your technologies.

Info-Tech master Darek Hahn guides you into finding better advisors and better ways to employ the technology tools at your disposal.  About time isn’t it?
